A Small Affair / Another Fine Mess

Production Date: May 2019
Directed by: Mandyrae Jessey

IMG 6734
IMG 6735
IMG 6736
IMG 6821
IMG 6824
IMG 6827
IMG 6828
IMG 6830
IMG 6832
IMG 6834
IMG 6850
IMG 6851
IMG 6853
IMG 6854
IMG 6858

The first play is ‘A Small Affair’ - a comedy by Bob Larbey which is set in TV’s Broadcasting House.

Director Guy's TV rehearsal is shunted into a small room with a mock up set and he is beset with problems. The cast come to loggerheads but after a ‘calming’ break return to find their space double-booked by would-be contestants in an idiotic panel show. Regular interruptions from members of staff and his cast of eccentric actors add to the comic mayhem of the rehearsal.

IMG 6835
IMG 6836
IMG 6837
IMG 6838
IMG 6840
IMG 6841
IMG 6842
IMG 6843
IMG 6844
IMG 6845
IMG 6846
IMG 6847
IMG 6848
IMG 6849
IMG 6839

The second play is ‘Another Fine Mess’ by Gillian Plowman.

Double act Stephen and Phil are having a last minute rehearsal as Laurel and Hardy in the back room of an old pub. Meg, Stephen’s girlfriend, is there supporting them. The close friendships between the three are strained to the limits by a revelation from Phil which tests their relationships to breaking point.



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